Balanced Portfolio

Balanced Portfolio Recommendation: Sell Trim – Mineral Resources (MIN)

Sell Trim – Mineral Resources (MIN). MIN is a mining services company with a portfolio of mining operations across lithium and iron ore. MRL has been providing safe, high-quality, low-cost mining, mining construction and mining infrastructure services in Australia. The business consists of three core pillars Mining Services, Commodities and Innovation and Infrastructure.

Balanced Portfolio

Balanced Portfolio Recommendation: Buy 1.5% Liontown Resources Ltd (LTR) & Buy 2% Mineral Resources Ltd MIN

It’s been a rocky ride for Lithium so far this year but through all the noise, we see quality buying opportunities in the space for the long term. Mining giants Gina Rinehart and Chris Ellison have long track records in running profitable mining operations in literally the most abundant mineral on the planet, Iron Ore and they are aggressively buying into the next mining boom of Lithium.

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